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The review was deleted or moved to the archive according to the points of the regulations for placing and moderating reviews on the TopHotels.ru project 1.2.5 A Review removed by Request of the Author

Отзыв об отеле Абриколь (отель был переименован 01.01.23)
Vacation as a With family in
December 2010
01.12.10 - 31.12.10
- Recommend this hotel


5 accommodation

5 service

5 food

Deleted - does not affect the rating


Review text:

Try to break Your review into logical parts (Overall experience, Rooms, Food, Staff and services, Hotel territory and nature, etc.) — this way it will be easier to understand.

We also recommend You to avoid large parts of continuous text — break the

Читать полностью на http://tophotels.org/main/hotel/rate/?step=1&alloc_id=63072Review text:

Try to break Your review into logical parts (Overall experience, Rooms, Food, Staff and services, Hotel territory and nature, etc.) — this way it will be easier to understand.

We also recommend You to avoid large parts of continuous text — break the

Читать полностью на http://tophotels.org/main/hotel/rate/?step=1&alloc_id=63072Review text:

Try to break Your review into logical parts (Overall experience, Rooms, Food, Staff and services, Hotel territory and nature, etc.) — this way it will be easier to understand.

We also recommend You to avoid large parts of continuous text — break the

Читать полностью на http://tophotels.org/main/hotel/rate/?step=1&alloc_id=63072Review text:

Try to break Your review into logical parts (Overall experience, Rooms, Food, Staff and services, Hotel territory and nature, etc.) — this way it will be easier to understand.

We also recommend You to avoid large parts of continuous text — break the

Читать полностью на http://tophotels.org/main/hotel/rate/?step=1&alloc_id=63072

Added 04.12.13 16:26 (1 404 characters in the review)
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